Sea of Stars Update – 3/9/2015

Hello, space cadets! Today’s Sea of Stars update brings you perhaps the most alien of all the alien races in the game so far – the Ravians. Their take on starships and weapon technology is certainly unique – I think you’ll be surprised and delighted! They are also featured in a major quest that can randomly occur. Other notable additions include the Hyperdrive, a device that provides an alternative way to travel between stars.

We have also released a brand new trailer video, showing off all the new additions to the game since the previous one. The variety of content that now exists in the game really makes a huge difference! Check it out below.

On Mac OS X front, we have some good news – Henry now has a version of the game running on the Mac! We’re planning to release it as soon as possible after the Windows version reaches 1.0.

For all full change lists and discussion about the game, check out the Steam Community Board!

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