Archive: Apr 2013

  1. Digital Eel meets Space Game Junkie

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    SGJ Podcast #10Infinite Spaces and Small Worlds – Jim and Brian of Space Game Junkie got Skypy with Iikka and Rich of Digital Eel to talk about space games, space games and more space games, from Starflight to FTL. A brief history of Digital Eel was discussed including a few words about Bill Sears as well as chat about Strange Adventures in Infinite SpaceWeird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space and the new Kickstarter campaign to fund Infinite Space 3: Sea of Stars. Space game geeks (like us) take notice. Obscura is pondered.  (Whatever that means.) Secrets are revealed! So turn on, tune in, listen online or download.

  2. Infinite Space 3: Sea of Stars Announced


    Digital Eel is proud to announce our new Infinite Space computer game, Sea of Stars! We are currently looking to raise funds for its development through a Kickstarter campaign.

    Sea of Starssos1 is a single-player science fiction roguelike similar to Strange Adventures and Weird Worlds. Turn-based star map navigation is combined with a real-time combat system. The game provides a randomly generated open world for you to explore, and will only reveal a fraction of its secrets each time you play. There is no going back to a saved game – everything that happens is permanent. Death is frequent, but only makes you want to try again.

    Although Sea of Stars builds on the universe you visited in the earlier games, it is expanded with fresh new material and gameplay. Discovering the interactions between items, alien races, characters and random events will keep you busy for years – yet each session of the game is a complete adventure that you can finish in one sitting. To extend the game’s longevity even further, we encourage people to make mods and even provide tools for it!

    Read more here and pledge your support at Kickstarter!